Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Corona's new short film- Someplace else...Awesome video that will tempt and dare you from your armchair to venture outside !!

Corona's new short film- Someplace else. This is pretty awesome, You have always seen the Corona billboards or ads in your favourite mags and started drifting off into a day dream to where you'd rather be. Now the beer company expands on this and takes a group of chilled athletes and artists then chucks them on bus and lets them tour around mexico for awhile. filled with two pro surfers, a pro skater, a musician and a model/artists but really after watching the film you realise that they all have very similar interests and all relate around being free and creative. Yeeew

Corona's New Short Film - Someplace else.

Give it a watch !!
I give two thumbs up :)

Friday, May 2, 2014

What are you 'meant' to be doing with your life ?

Ever wonder what your purpose is ? or what you are 'meant' to be doing with your life ?
 Then watch this video it may help ... also watch other short videos with Alan Watts there are some good thought provokers :)

Steve Jobs and Alan Watts - - Follow Your Heart

Leave A Comment And Tell Me Any Videos That Are Inspirational To You :-)

A way to charge your GoPro whilst simply hiking to the next spot.

Sole Power Tech is a company that makes energy from your energy.. They have created a product that generates power from a small magnetic rotor in the sole of your shoe and stores it in a small battery pack, with a 15 mile trek storing enough energy to charge your smartphone. They will be selling the soles soon and I think they would be great for trekking and charging your GoPro and headlamp for multi day adventures. Also since it's all incorporated into the sole you can change it between your running shoes and trekking boots.

Also click here for a review from  'I Fucking Love Science'